Electric Vehicle Benefits

10 reasons why you should drive an electric vehicle!

  1. 1       Money

  2. Electric vehicles save you money day in and day out. The cost of driving an electric vehicle is around 1 – 2 cents a mile, where as an internal combustion vehicle costs around 8 - 10 cents or more per mile. And since you can charge your electric vehicle during off hours, you pay even less for the electricity.

  1. 2       Pollution

  2. Electric vehicles are cleaner and pollute the environment much less so than internal combustion vehicles. Even after you factor coal power plants producing the electricity, the total CO2 emissions are significantly less. Of course if you choose renewable energy sources such as wind or solar, electric vehicles will pollute even less.

  1. 3       Reliability

  2. Electric vehicles are much simply mechanically than internal combustion vehicles. Your electric vehicle will require very little maintenance over its life. No more messy or expensive oil changes!

  1. 4       Quite

  2. Electric vehicles are extremely quiet and help reduce noise pollution. According to a Washington Post article, students in classrooms exposed to more noise performed worse than students in a quieter setting.

  1. 5       Time

  2. Electric vehicles save you time. Most NEVs are quite small and allow you to fit in tighter parking spots. Also in some states electric vehicles are allowed on the HOV lanes which can dramatically improve your daily commute.

  1. 6       Economy

  2. Since most electric vehicles available today are being produced by small startup companies, you help support local economies. Electric vehicles also help reduce a countries dependence on foreign oil.

  1. 7       Infrastructure

  2. Unlike hydrogen which requires trillions of dollars in infrastructure, electric vehicles can simply plug in anywhere. Eventually charging stations could be set up, but this is not a requirement. Everything is in place today for people to start driving electric vehicles.

  1. 8       Environment

  2. Electric vehicles help the environment by releasing fewer CO2 emissions by a factor of 10 to 1 compared to internal combustion vehicles. By reducing the need for oil electric vehicles help protect endangered wildlife and native habitats.

  1. 9       Future

  2. Electric vehicles are helping the world move to a brighter future. You now have a choice in providing a better future for the children and the planet. It takes everyone taking a small action to cause large change.

  1. 10     Fun

  2. Last but certainly not least, electric vehicles are fun to drive! If you can afford a Tesla Roadster, you can have supercar performance with better than a hybrid “fuel” economy. Even the smaller electric vehicles are quick and are sure to garner plenty of attention!